$ 0.00
Title: Angujjuaq (Great Big Bear)Artist: Kananginak PootoogookLithograph and StencilPage: 102 x 71.2 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Arcitic EveningArtist: Suvinai AshoonaLithographPage: 57 x 76.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Arctic MenagerieArtist: Meelia KellyLithographPage: 76.5 x 57 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Arvialuk (Great Big Whale)Artist: Kananginak PootoogookLithographPage: 112.5 x 76.6 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Ascending LoonArtist: Ohotaq MikkigakStonecut and StencilPage: 64 x 79 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Curious OwlArtist: Ohotaq MikkigakStonecut and StencilPage: 62 x 76.2 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Dancing RavensArtist: Kenojuak AshevakStonecut and StencilPage: 62.2 x 73.8 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Dancing SpiritsArtist: Sarni PootoogookEtching and AquatintPage: 58.5 x 79.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Deep Blue SeaArtist: Kenojuak AshevakLithograph and StencilPage: 76.4 x 113.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Deep Water CharArtist: Kenojuak AshevakEtching and AquatintPage: 80 x 94.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Feathering the NestArtist: Kavavaow MannomeeStonecut and StencilPage: 49.6 x 62 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Inugaguligaq (Snow House Spirits)Artist: Ohotaq MikkigakLithograph and Chine ChollePage: 38.3 x 57 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Low TideArtist: Suvinai AshoonaEtching and AquatintPage: 60.6 x 76 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Neaqugarsiit (Many Heads)Artist: Kakulu SaggiaktokEtching and AquatintPage: 77.5 x 80.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Nugirurqvik (Fawning Grounds)Artist: Meelia KellyEtching and AquatintPage: 71.3 x 60.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: PursuedArtist: Meelia KellyEtching and AquatintPage: 67 x 62 cm
$ 0.00
Title: ReconciliationArtist: Napachie PootoogookEtching and AquatintPage: 74 x 72.2 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Self PortraitArtist: Pitaloosie SailaLithograph and StencilPage: 65.5 x 57 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Shoreline SentinelArtist: Kenojuak AshevakLithographPage: 56.5 x 76.7 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Spectacular RavensArtist: Kenojuak AshevakStonecutPage: 64 x 81.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Stone QulliqArtist: Suvinai AshoonaStonecut and StencilPage: 53.5 x 64 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Summer CharArtist: Kenojuak AshevakStonecut and StencilPage: 64 x 79 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Summer SealiftArtist: Suvinai AshoonaLithographPage: 56.5 x 76.3 cm
$ 0.00
Title: The Line UpArtist: Ohotaq MikkigakLithographPage: 25.7 x 56.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Together on a Winter NightArtist: Meelia KellyEtching and AquatintPage: 68.2 x 71.1 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Town RavensArtist: Arnaqu AshevakStonecutPage: 71 x 56 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Triumphant CatchArtist: Ohotaq MikkigakEtching and AquatintPage: 35 x 52 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Tumbling WalrusArtist: Kananginak PootoogookStonecut and StencilPage: 45.8 x 62.1 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Walrus PerchArtist: Kakulu SaggiaktokLithographPage: 51.5 x 71.5 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Whimsical BirdArtist: Meelia KellyStonecut and StencilPage: 56 x 71.2 cm
$ 0.00
Title: WhirlArtist: Kakulu SaggiaktokEtching and AquatintPage: 40 x 44 cm
$ 0.00
Title: Winsome TravellersArtist: Napachie PootoogookEtching and AquatintPage: 80 x 82 cm